Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Angry in Lakebottom

There is a woman I see several times a week when I walk the track at Lakebottom. She will not return a smile or greeting. In fact, just the opposite. She is seething. I have tried numerous times to engage her with eye contact, smiles or even spoken greetings. She looks at me with such hatred, it gives me serious pause.
What has happened to cause her to be so vitriolic?
I think most of us reflect back what we've taken in. She has obviously been the recipient of unkindness. After I few times I thought--How dare she!?
Then I realized if I am to be a source of love in the world, which can frequently be a very unloving place, I must stay the course. When I cross her path I always smile, but if I'm honest I'll admit there are some days when I see her coming and I change direction before I meet her.

I once encountered a toddler with a pronounced facial deformity. I looked in her eyes and smiled and tried to engage her and. . . nothing. She stared back blankly and then looked away. She was reflecting back what she was accustomed to seeing. It made me sad for days. I wonder what became of this little girl, I wonder how she views the world.
I hope she found acceptance and peace.

The world is a harsh place and we could all, myself included, be kinder. I'm going to work on that today. And tomorrow morning if I see the woman walking at Lakebottom, I won't turn away.


1 comment:

  1. She may live in my neighborhood. A woman around here hates dogs and because I have two...
