Friday, March 19, 2010

Discernment and Holy Trinity

In January of this year I attended a retreat at Holy Trinity. I am a dyed in the wool Presbyterian, but have always been attracted to the idea of a convent or monastery. Apparently, I've read one too many Kathleen Norris books. Oh alright, everyone of them actually.

At this retreat, which began on a Friday evening and continued through Sunday afternoon, I met several of the Sisters, order of The Most Blessed Trinity. After speaking briefly to one sister at the Friday night registration, about nothing of great significance, I did not see her until the following morning. The next morning she approached me in her humble and gracious way, and asked if we might speak for a few minutes. She shared with me that her sleep was interrupted many times during the previous night and when awakened my face kept coming to her mind. I listened attentively, slightly on edge (I mean c'mon, a nun of 50 years service seeks you out, I could almost hear the ominous musical score). This sweet soul had the most earnest look on her face as she told me that she felt it necessary to tell me that God had placed something on her heart for me. She said I have been given the words that you are a woman of great discernment, but you need to ask for courage to go along with that.
I was shaken to my core. She had no idea how desperately I needed to hear and believe that.
The weekend was a fabulous experience and very meaningful for me. I am ashamed to admit as I moved through the days further and further away from her words, I did not heed them. She did not know why she was the messenger, or even what the message was intended to address, but I did. I let the security and fortitude I felt at Holy Trinity slip away as time passed. Two months later I was able to embrace that Courage that was waiting for me, waiting for me to take hold.
Sister, thanks be to God for you and all those who work so selflessly for The Kingdom.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! ... I'm so glad you had that encounter and the weekend.
