Monday, March 15, 2010

Starts, Stops, Pauses, and Begins Again

Hello Everyone,

I think I may have found my blogging nest. After trial and error, this seems to be the best fit. Please bear with me, as many of you know I have a very tiny left brain, vestigial even, but I am trying to exercise it to a place where it may be somewhat functional!

Writing has always been therapy for me, especially over the last few years. I hope there may be something of use to offer here.

Life has taken me down some roads I did not want to travel, but I am pressing forward. It's a journey, always. Life is inherently good.



  1. I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on your new blog!!
    Take care Lisa,

  2. I look forward to spending time here at your new blog hangout. Writing is also therapeutic for me, as is reading your insightful take on life and faith.
